Trolled (2024), created by filmmakers John F. Uranday and Bobby Cloud, explores the impact of online trolling and digital harassment. The film delves into the lives of its characters, each grappling with the ramifications of a toxic online culture. Through a mix of dark humor and poignant drama, it highlights how social media can amplify both kindness and cruelty, often leading to devastating consequences.
The narrative centers on a group of friends who, after a viral incident, find themselves the targets of relentless trolling. As they navigate the fallout, the film examines themes of friendship, identity, and the struggle for redemption in an age where every action is scrutinized online. Uranday and Cloud effectively use visual storytelling to contrast the vibrant, carefree nature of the characters’ offline lives with the harsh realities they face in the digital realm.
Critics have praised the film for its bold approach to a sensitive topic and engaging performances. By weaving in elements of satire, Trolled not only entertains but also serves as a cautionary tale about the power of words and the importance of empathy in an increasingly connected yet divided world. Ultimately, Uranday and Cloud’s work serves as both a cautionary tale and a call to empathy, urging viewers to consider the real-life implications of their digital actions.
Check out our all-new follow-up interview with John F. Uranday and Bobby Cloud on Trolled, now streaming on Tubi.
Trolled SOS, a new experimental horror feature film. What happens when online bullying and harassment have gone too far? Who do you call to set things straight? Who can help you salvage your reputation or get you payback? The TROLL can help. This dark web show features 4 new students, and the Troll is here to teach them there are repercussions to their keyboard antics.